Monday, December 5, 2011

Thinspo #11

It is cold now where I live and all the thin girls look so cute in their little wintry outfits. They also look adorable when they're cold, they have the whole damsel in distress thing going. I hope to someday look that cute during the winter. I do not own this picture.
Well, I'm back! I have let myself go for the past couple of months. I've been stressed and I have hidden my body under the warmth of sweatshirts. This needs to change however as I am no longer working with baked goods and should be able to lose some weight. I haven't weighed myself lately but I think I am in the 142-144 range. This area seams to be the area my body stays at which sucks because it is most definitely not where I want to be! I don't have any specific goals at the moment other than to lose some weight again. At my lowest I was 133 and I would like to at least get back down to that. Well here's hoping! Good luck everyone!